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Intervisie (Intervision) is the name (in Dutch as the discussion format originates in The Netherlands) of a process that helps people to discuss their questions in a creative and non judgemental way.
It allows you to get creative input from a group of people towards solving your problem in a way that allows you to take action to resolve the issue.

Group size

Group size is important since it affects communication rather severely. When your group consists of about 5 or 6 people you can use the small group method. If your group is larger consider using the large group method. 


Small group method

  • Stage 1: The organiser Introduces their question and gives some context around the subject.
  • Stage 2: Examine the problem in question, members of the group ask non judgemental open questions and summarise.
  • Stage 3: Formulating the core of the issue at hand. (you could use techniques like the 5 Whys or any other friendly technique that drills down to the core of the issue).
  • Stage 4: Round of Advice: Every member of the group formulates their advice for the situation. The person with the question can comment. As someone who gives advice that isn’t received with open arms you should not get defensive of your idea. We are not here to be the best but to help someone reach their own decision.
  • Stage 5: The organiser evaluates the process based on how it helped them or not (if it did not help there might be some things that can be done better in the future)


Large group method 

  • Stage 1: The organiser asks their question and gives context.
  • Stage 2: All participants write their advice on a postit (use for instance Mural or Miro remotely)
  • Stage 3: All advices are read out loud by the organiser.

Some of the basic questions 

  • What is your question?
  • What is your challenge?
  • What does this ask from you?
  • What is holding you back?
  • How will you proceed?

5 Whys: